October 8, 2007

i woke up early. so i am tired by now.

oct 7. ktv with funky people.
did some housework in the day and headed for town in the evening. met up with darling, rowena & josh, victoria and yong kit for ktv.
vic had fun singing all the 'chionged' mtvs. and she had all english songs. lol. and she hardly sang. is she shy or what. on second thoughts.. cannot be what. lol.
kit didnt sing much. (compared to the crazy singing when its only us girls) :)

oct8. work and delicious dinner.
on morning shift today again! cause i wanna spend more time with andy. sales was bad for me. but i believe in the later part of the day sales will be good. i really believe so. thats the minus point for working early. there's no crowd! but a pregnant lady is working in the afternoon shift. dont mind giving her sales. milk-powder fund. lol. had fun talking to sharon about her pregnancy. such a friendly counter-in-charge to work with. she is so cute. oh. some of our talk content :
  1. will baby urinate and poo poo in the mommy's body when it is like.. 4 months old?
  2. often vomitting for the mommy
  3. many many medicine to take
  4. feeling sleepy during early pregnancy
  5. testing for tubercolosis during pregnancy
  6. logic? during pregnancy, if you keep holding back from eating what you crave for, your baby will have a tendency to drool when he/she is born

heehee. anyway. met darling at tamp aft work and we had dinner with his family. punggol nasi lemak! yummy yummy. if not for my 'food curfew' (because of previous sickness).. i would have ate my fav O-luah. chey :p for desert, we had beancurd (extra syrup). really nice. now im at his house. his uncle is briefing him abt some army stuff.. lalala.

will upload pics soon...

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