October 13, 2007

my week in a glance

oh i miss blogging.

anyway. past few days were somewhat peaceful.

mon&tue. work.bad sales :( met my dear girl delainie for lunch (drools for hor fun @ lucky plaza) and aft work. love to spend time with her :)

wed. went to spectate the muay thai match again. it blew me off my feet. a really good match. super sportsmanship displayed and also the love and friendship between fighters. glad me n darling made it there although we were hesitant to.

thur. dar n i met up aft his gym session with his guys. well. we had sushi! his fav. and mine.
salmon something-don.

he kindly shared his rice with me. lil bit of ric. alot of salmon. (it was a whole chunk)

aft that, i accompanied him to his muay thai training. just curious. aft that shocked. and in awe. im beginning to like it too :) techniques+precision+strength+stamina+sportsmanship. well. i realised how frail my life was. anyone of them could kill me easily within what.. 3 blows?

took it at his training. 1 and only shot. looks ugly, akward and fat. but i didnt dare to take another one. everyone else was fighting till they were 'drenched' n sissy me was taking pics and checking out my make-up. i feel like a jerk. seriously.

fri. :( we had a tiff.but we're cool now. i caught like half an hour of resident evil3 with andy n julia at the movies. nice nice show. but what, the ending really makes you all aniticipating the 4th part and i hear that they r gonna stop at 3. what what! man..... alrite chill. i had ktv aft that when uncle wilson joined us. and kelly if you happen to read this , we kena the waiter that you kinda chided. LOL. i bet he remembers us. and he has this ke lian look. make me feel abit bad. haha.

sat.darlings at muay thai again. and me? gonna wait at home till evening and we're gonna catch the muay thai match again! yey. love going there. but im afraid when darling goes army, there will be no one to bring me there. hmm. im not really sure how to make my way there and back? alrite.goon may i sound but im quite dependent on him. i cant help it but now my mind's wondering off to how life is gonna be when i can only spend 1.5/7 days with him. and how the first 2 weeks without seeing each other is gonna feel like. sighs. in blink of an eye. 1 more day. maybe cus i really cant bear for him to go (stewpid i noe. but its just this way.), im quite happy already that i have today and tml to spend with him. ahhhh. its just another phase of life, i reckon.

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