January 10, 2008

emotions ridin me over'

schools reaching its trough. smirks at myself. someone beat me up. make sure my head spins clockwise after it.

life's been ok. feeling rather weird recently.. dont know why. things between me and andy has been fine, sch mates are as cranky, family's as noisy .. just that quiet time alone at home after sch up-ed on its frequencies. not a bad thing though.

sch is sch. lectures, tutorials, projects. but i love the people who made roxanne's sch life what it is. thanks babes! and others :) a sudden tribute to my peeps:
lijie, wanqi, marie, june, delanie, charmaine, dorothy... your every laughter, word of concern, songs we sang to.. made my day..
the boys, jeremy, steven, wee chang-scandalous boyfriends in my group.. love your discipline during project but still hahahahaha. stop flirting with me la. blushing... lol!!
3 musketeers esp jingwen.. thanks for making my life so miserable. Mcqueen, dumb bells, pototos, childhood t-shirts ... you know, i learn to deal with it after some time :) still happy for that stupid boy (not so stupid after this mid-sem) for his end of probation, really..
i would also like to say i love my....... accounts tutor!!! hahaha he is so cute! so blur! so funny! will upload pics abt him soon.

wanted to get a back massage near tp today. my dear girl del came with me but... it was closed. dang. our backaches!!!!! ahhhh !

missing andy alot. relationship is a bluegreenredyellowpink thing. really. even PHDs cant explain it. even science is insufficient to solve it. last weekend was tonny romas double dating and we caught the national treasures too. found it ... average. after that was some time alone for me and him.. how abt this weekend? oh please.. tml's fri. no sch on except for project( ooh. cant wait to see charms n del tml. is it town aft tt? haha.. after all those wld be sat? good good....

went to Ikea with my mum. bought furnitures for my room. tee hee hee. happy like mad. although my all pink dream's dashed, i very well know its not practical. how bad can a woody + white combi get? as long as my tiny space gets neat .. wahahahaha.

dang. ima feeling so unpeaceful now. nevertheless, thank God so much for everything. really.

i caught the sudden bullet train. ha. just my train of thoughts.
what people have gone through really makes them what they are now. i respect them for what they have gone through. i really do. dont compare yourself with those around you. try to put yourself in their shoes. you'll realise emotions that come gushing at you. and at the end of it, you have just seen another wonderful creation. everyone's special no matter how much you wanna kick his/her ass prolly for his/her character. and because no one else's like me or you or anyone else .. you prolly know that you cant presume you know how he/she would feel. you cant presume you know exactly what happen to he/she. you cant presume he/she isnt hiding anything. for the fact is, human nature is more than it meets the eye. too many. too precious.

its ten... andy's having his range. just waiting for his call.. just another quiet night. how i wished the jazzies would play. ill make em' .

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