January 14, 2008

Home alone

back at home. like AWWW. finally! its raining outside, got home a lil drenched and a lil headache. my day was quite nice.
Mr nah ( my tutor ) was so kind to have marked my attendance though i was half an hour late :)
and then had lunch with my peeps at Itas.
the school day ended with p.o.m project meeting. why are guys like that. one was totally doing his own thing.. the other was lying all over the library table. sigh. its good to be girls ;)

oh and ... del and i decided to visit the chinese physician opp Tp. it was an amazing experience. lol. and the sinseh was quite cute. hun, nothing to worry bout! :) your so sweeet!

anyway, hun's gonna have outfield for the next 4 days. sigh. missing him loads. its like our weekends are sooo precious to us since he was enlisted. really. it passes like.. ferrari speed. dang. but still ... every weekend leaves good memories :)

projects projects and tests tests coming up. seriously. im the tortoise in the race to graduate. dang.

wanted to upload pics but my microSD adapter's acting weird. hope i can do so tonight...

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