January 18, 2008

Random pics

beautiful view i want to share with hun

sucker for it, from hun. Royce

new haircut. looks the same tho.

chiong-ing projects

rushing to sch ..

and i realise the cab driver wasnt even wearing shoes to drive. dang! i still tipped him .... 10cents. hahahahahaha.

Ikea furniture shopping

my mommy! and our furnitures are coming in tml. so happy..

whats a baby without a favourite huggy?

hiak hiak. sly take.

enjoying rides with him

crazy sch girls

charms pls get well


taking photo in class... with e visualiser :)

super funny accounts tutor

aft work

my long departed pink ds lite ( makes way for my pink PSPslim. heehee )

marie o marie

del~ AGAIN

not again..



kelkel. long time no see. misses.

before work

my usual night routine. conversation with hun :)

-had it just now too. so glad he ends outfield today.. cant wait to see him tml!!!!!
-talked to old friend marcus.. glad glad glad to catch up again
-more project deadlines and tests
-cant wait to meet vic and the rest on mon


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