April 29, 2008

more pictures in lil while :)

ikea walk with my sis, row. so sweet of her to accompany me there till midnight :) thanks!

best plate of pear i have eaten. not crunchy but soft and sweet. Mmmmmm!

on my way home from work that day. my bro, leon, came to fetch me :) good siblings i have.

best green pea snack ive eaten. texture's so smooth it tastes like cheesecake! authentic from taiwan.. thanks mama!

jelly i made for hun.
jiejie thinks it looks disgusting.. ya la. look like tadpole eggs..
leon thinks it looks like dragonfruit...

oei. your meimei do one hor. say nice to eat can~

its KIWI seeds k. i was kinda goon not to know but these seeds NEED TO BE SOAKED till its bloated. my mom helped me much in the process. and i used.. real mango! so sweet and fresh and nice!! oh and i got Redman's kiwi and grape essence.. bad ratings for it. cant get the sweetness :(

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