April 29, 2009

im so good.

say hi to my bedtime partner. kel has the same one :)
Hun bought it for me. think ive mentioned about it before. look at those eyes. soooo cute.

my EL and sis's brush. more indulgence!

cant stop looking at my baby boy now cause his hair is so long and poking into his eyes.. i tied them into 2 lil pom poms on his head. no pics though. lol. he looks more comfy like that!

him waiting for his food - on the sofa. in a comfy but weird position. he didnt move!

cuddles!! love him to bits. super.

i decided to update frequent and voila! i really did. im proud of myself alrdy. *smirks*. came back home from dinner at Huns..

got a pretty pic of butter girl so ive decided to post it. so cute. on her examination day! i think Hun took this :)

oh and this is random. and i find it sooooo funny. like some paparazzi chase.

anyway i met paparazzi 1 (i'll be 2) for a sun tan yesterday. well, we went there late and the sun went down after awhile but nevertheless, girl fun and lotsa talk made the day :) and we both soaked in the pool cause we couldnt really swim -.- and we watched kids swimming infront of us.

oh there was one time we saw the swimming coach ask the kid in the water to "Fly! fly!" (meaning to swim faster actually).. then he turned to talk to another coach how that kid could actually increased his speed in the water. i turned and told kel.. the kid is supposed to swim like a FISH. not a BIRD. why FLY??? haha. im playing idiot. but i love poking fun at randoms.

her impromptu pose and she looks like she's in a camera advertisement!! but nice ah!

her girly beach towel. im sure ppl must have thought we were bimbos bcos of that!

grabbing my bite after the :
swim/soak/chat/slack/nua (please circle one) session.

and ... Mitch's birthday celebration!!!

it has been a long time since i met this darling up. the celebration was planned by my sis and her other friends. she had fun, we had fun. it was a great night. glad to see her smile from within!

met at acid bar for some chill out. met many of em for the first time and noinoi (mitch) was very happy that her friends from diff cliques came together just for her. awwwww. fun!

cabbed to Obar after that for her to dance the alcohol away. lol. she was so red by then.

pei qi is so cute. (inside out!)

sis and i. she is a party animal. super.

she looks so good here. oh and tts my sis's bf :p

people involved: (some didnt join us at Obar thus not in the pic..)

Jeffery, Don, josh, ericia, pei qi, me, noinoi, rowena, chris.

sometimes i have difficulties recalling names.

i was all jittery bout stepping into the club. thank God that josh and pei qi were there to keep by my side. haha. i didnt want to be left alone cause i didnt dance. i was well taken care of, and i had my fun looking at the others dance. well, noinoi seemed to enjoy herself too! thats most impt..
just turned 25.

" o O o O o ... square rooms ~ "

its stucked in my head for now (noinoi was forced to dance to this song by the vocalists at acid cause they knew it was her bday :) ..

aite. sch tmr. having a client brief aft sch from 6-8. what man! but nvrmind. looking forward to mischevious fun with sam (yes, i know 2 sams!) tmr during the long sch break! hahahahaha.

im not used to sch yet. cabbed to sch today cause i was late, again. and now im still wide awake. my body clock is experiencing time laps .. from sch vs holiday time. now what! i'll try to get some sleep .. sch's at 12. 2 tutorials and .. i need to get at least 10 hours of sleep normally. or ill have great difficulties waking up!


(what is wrong with blogger! i edited (and posted) soooo many times and the spacings still looks distorted after published!!!!!! like me, cranky sometimes i guess)

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