April 26, 2009

yesterday was quite a blast. shall update bout it when i get more pictures :)

school has been quite good with the same old peeps at lecture hall (although all of us are spereated into different class). well just heck it. ill live through year 3 just fine .. i hope. with a whole new class and all. im just surprised my poly years passed so fast. and yes, it has been quite pleasant. am all excited for attachment and the new modules im gonna take. just hope i can make it up for year 1's (longggg) moment of folly.

sam was so sweet to accompany me to sim lim after lecture on thursday while waiting for her bf to end work. she finally realised how dumb i am.

so i got this! (w/o contract) with love from mummy :) we also walked to bugis to buy fake lashes which i loveeeee. hee hee. 20 pairs to last me for quite awhile.

me: people say i look much smarter than i really am.
she: yah. really. you look matured and smart..
me: i know. ive heard that alot.

well, people who dont know me well would think that i am very intelligent and matured. the fact is, i am very dependent on others + i have very bad sense of direction = i am just very stupid. the only smart thing about is me that i know i am very stupid. so is that counted a good point or not. my gosh.

by going out with her, i totally proved her right.

anyway, i have alot to learn and not to always depend on hun/ friends/ or my family. cheers on learning how to be smart. lol.

anyway, this sam girl is very much like me in many ways. our bf's character, our character, our thinking .. amazing. and we've made a pact to go pierce our ears together ;)

anyway im watching the star awards now.

- michelle chia didnt get in top 10. why she is so hot.
- fiona xie didnt get it too! - im surprised.
- artistes are so good at cheating age. (yvonne lim at 30 and chen han wei at 40? GORGEOUS)
- i dont get it why all of them are trying to act tall when they can barely walk in those heels. seriously. is walking like 'san cun jing lian' the new trend. if only they wore something else they could carry off.
- zoe tay looks better than fann wong this year.

ok this is random.

this bowl of 3 in 1(soya bean + soya milk + dumplings) from Mr beans are just so yummy. kevin brought em home and it made my grumbling tummy happy. woohoo.

hun and i went to spectate butter girl's examination!

i felt so bad. i carried baileys as we stood from far to view .. but still. butter saw him and was distracted during her exam. oh man. but still so happy she passed! butter is so lovely.

the distraction.

butter during examination.

grad pic taken. hun and bernard the trainer.

the happy dogs on the way home.

so baileys is the only officially untrained pup. anyway, well done, kw! :)

friday. wei siew's birthday lunch at Tamp1's sushi tei. happy 19th!


after that, i went home after to get prepared to meet Hun and his family for Night Safari to mini celebrate his mum's b'day. wasnt super fun, but its something different to do once in awhile. it wasnt expensive anyway! (entrance and tram ride).

creatures of the night show. didnt have any nice pics that night cause no flash was allowed.

i feel so untidy right now. with bushy eyebrows and nails with half the nail polish chipped off. and i really get it how vanity is so expensive.. im broke again. and there's this long shopping list in my mind alrdy. plus, i see how my friends are so super good at saving. i feel .. b.r.o.ke.

i need to be more determined at things i promised myself. ahhhhhhh.

p.s happy i restocked my pimple cream. what a miracle cream it is for acne cases like mine. ok. and i owe row money for that. . date with gf tmr! :)

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