October 31, 2007

bits n pieces

havent been updating my blog. hmm.. my prediction will be that my next update can only be on sun cus andy is booking out tml!!! cant describe how happy i am.

school has kept me quite busy and happy cause i love my classmates. hee hee.


gave del a pair of friendship keychain.. (days back) and she decided to share one with me. how sweet.
went to Ikea with del. her mum fetched us there during our 3 hour break. yummy! had fun.
went to town with rowena that day after work. walked till we missed the last train! haha. had fun. jiejie wore a nice blue dress.. and she bought me a handphone pouch! thanks jiejie! really liked it. winnie the pooh reminded me of andy :)
my brother leon went to NAFA's sports day at sentosa. he came home baked. totally. not like how he is in the pic. he is black and peeling. ahahahah
jingwen was so nice to buy me choc cus petty me demanded it from him. appreciate it, guy!
again, del!
super cool philippino friend, marie. lol
me and charmaine
my care person. haha. nice lady
had much fun with guys in my class too. (as in, fun fun, not flirt fun k. we merely kept winking dramatically at each other just to poke fun) esp CK and jeremy. lol!
my new, precious handphone fell to its suicide that day. it suffered scratches on its paint work and i am still in doubt whether the cover can be bought. boo hoo hoo. i mourned over it for days alrdy. it still hurts :(
oh andy is coming back tml! really really super miss him. yey yey yey! talking abt this, really enjoyed talking our hearts out with kelly. enjoyed hanging out and chit chating with ya :)
thanks for readin! ta ta.

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