October 28, 2007

let 'em pictures talk

finally free, at home. had work ytd. so weird. my sales was pretty bad. while my other colleague had booming sales. sometimes its really that weird. the 5 mins you step away customers just flood the counter. and when your back, what left are window shoppers. haha. just chill.
pics of my funky sch mates:

thur pics! as promised :

starring : the make-up artist, kelly lee pok pok

in the process ..

just some nonsense

we had smiley faces on our lips! thanks to her ..

all credits goes to .... our camera-shy(rarely) kelly

tadaaaa ! she did the hair too.

grace came over (to be kel's model too).. havent seen her for a few years since sec sch days.. :)
yesterday (sat), after my work.. rowena and i went to town to walk around. we had fun & walked till we forgot the time. missed the last train back. :( i had to take 518 home and she cabbed down to meet her bf.. heehee. will upload pics of ytd soon. received a happy halloween mms (herslef trying to look scary) from my dear michelle! haha. surprised me? totally!
oh i miss andy! 1st week passed fine. 2nd week is a no no..nevermind. today will pass quite fast. its alrdy evening now. (i slept till 3plus today.. :p) and he'll be back this coming thursday. it deserves celebration! what a pity kok wai cant book out this weekend cus he has to go outfield. the two boys wont get to meet.
alrite. I hereby dedicate sundays to be my tutorial day. so as to graduate on time. in 2.5 years.
will hafta get things done today.

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