October 22, 2007


was too tired to blog. work..

anyway school has started. cool to spend lecs n tuts with my dear girl (del) again! we went mini shopping today. when i scouted many potential nice buys (not good buys =/ ) ..del got edwin a pair of pants nd a cardigan for herself. bugis has nice stuffs.u just gotta search. lol. nice to see familiar faces in sch again.

(taken at work)
school is getting me abit.. it will grow me up abit. repeating module. learning to live with a new tutorial class (which already forms cliques? argh!) .. so well for being playful in my first sem. ill just try and do well for everything. anyway, my academic progress is really tight. i mean i hafta do well for every sem to grad on time n stuff. hooooo.

(out window shopping)

life with andy not around me after sch has been different. weird thing is i dont spend so much when im with him. you know, less suppers, less nonsensical buys, less spending on ktvs and movies. im glad im surviving with my own money. i have so much time for meeting friends now. shopping with del (totally!) , meeting noinoi (looking forward to), catching up with kit and vic (which i love!)

(see la kit.. you got tuition..haha. meet up soon)
, doing dinner sometime with dylan? ( oh ya rowena. i met dylan in sch. its his suggestion. lets meet up soon! ), girls day out with kel
(the pic i wanted to mms you.. cute rite)
occasional work ... more time to rest at home (i love to be at home)..
but ill be more than glad to burn weekends with andy when he books out. hee hee.
my pay is not enough. my shopping lists continues.
i misss andy! so much. still got 1week and 4 days. so long..

(taken the night before he got enlisted, in my room)
i worry abt sch work. ill just have to hang on. have. must. got to.
i need to change my closet.
my skin!! argh.
i just got a new phone.

(awesome. z720. u700is super nice too!! vic owns 1..actually 2)
i was actually given a faulty handset. faulty battery, faulty software. i got it changed. today. thats why its charging again....

im tired. i hafta clear my room. i promise andy to sleep early. i got sch at 9 tml. i love my bed.

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