November 30, 2007

i feel guilty for spending. and for being bad at work

nonsense me wearing kelly's skirt as a tube

what nonsense is this? it says "please confirm you are a human below" ..why computer scared of ghost ahr.. chey...

lovely lovely hand cream delanie agreed to help me buy. Mmmm. love it! love that rose scent. love that rose perfume in crabtree&evelyn. didnt know their stuffs were so sweeeet! really nice.

going for test

my face model


pretty aint she

all black..

all white..

bought bobbie brown stuffs today :) all smiles but heartache. i wont be working much.. (or even not) i jolly well know that. i am broke. i still spent SOO much. among all that went (kel,grace,grace's sis) i spent the most! they all spent below 100, in fact below 50.. and me? i bette keep mum abt it. darling says we are gonna eat makeup when he books out. hahaha. but im happy with my buy.. anyway, grace and kelly were the usual nonsense people. very rubbish-ed.. and grace's sister seemed like a really sweet girl. :)
to graciie: shld i get that secondhand phone anot huh? shld i shld i? its 200 bucks leh .. =x

seriously i ought to be saving my money alrdy. i really need to. my shopping list continues.. but my wallet stopped. argh... how bout belated presents for my dear friends? :( oh no..

anyway, works kinda not good. i dont know. maybe ima bad worker. haha. but im getting abit bored.. who likes working alone anyway? i dont know. hope its just not a bad hunch im getting. hope everythings gonna be fine.. i really hope so.

took a mrt then cabbed to school after shopping for bb stuffs. tutorial was all nosense. i did so much nonsense and winked at everyone. was practically having fun. man, i shld be studying. went to tamp mall aft sch to get some stuffs then headed back home. whats reaching home before the sky turns dark on a friday? i got a good nap that brought me to dinner time the moment my eyes were opened. hee hee. had dinner waiting for me too. shiok. love peaceful time at home..just lazying around..

its beixian's birthday today! my sis's bf. hope their having fun outside!! happy birthday, josh!!

enjoyed conversation through the phone with hun today. dont know why. he sounded really understanding and cheerful. even went i delivered the news of spending a bomb on makeups despite being broke... :) darling, why you so nice today huh? what a pity i cant accompany him tml morning.i didnt expect him to book out so early.. so i promised kelly to help her with her exam ... sorry dear. will make it up to you again k?

alrite i gotta get up at 6.30 tml. cant be late like today... nite ntie!

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