November 13, 2007

i lied

i said i wasnt hungry. then i ate bread and now i am eating cup noodles. how much fatter can i get. there is no answer to that..

a tinge of blue fell beside a puddle of white.. keep it locked. ill keep the key.
for me to know. not for you to find out.

school was ok today... have been missing my tutorials. someone shoot me! i know i deserve it. gotta start studying alrdy. SERIOUSLY.. anyway my friends love the mario in my ds lite. i love it too! and delanie (and others) is getting paranoid over my matter. dont worry girl!

been to work. almost got scolded by the supervisor, but its ok. my day went fine. kelly and rowena accompanied me back. :) met jiejie's friend shanker and conrad too. v nice people...

i love songs. not the emo emo type.but song writing is a talent indeed. the lyrics make me dance, makes me ponder, makes me drunk.. i just love it. but my samsung mobile isnt allowing me to get alot out of it. it just keep getting low batt. grrrrr.

cup noodle done. i have birds nest prepared chilled for me. i am so going to devour it then get some rest.. i love to pamper myself.

lastly. i miss him. i really do. just his voice will do...

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