November 13, 2007

30 days?

ive got so many mosquito bites on my legs. im gonna scratch till they bleed. my goodness.

lizards spotted in my house. hate it. hate pests. spotted one mother lizard. got rid of it. now the baby lizard. ahhhh. im really super terrified of it. really. really. i mean it. where are the pest busters????????

i was so shocked my countdown at my blog's side panel reads almost 30 days since andy went into NS. tekong life must be tough on him. while here i am free and easy .. just sch, work and meeting friends when free.
girls will always be girls.
rather, i will always be a girl. call me sissy,
call me gu niang, call me vain, call me "in-my-own-hallucination-that-i-deserve-this-treatment".. i cant imagine tekong life. life at outfield. i just hope he is safe and sound and doing fine..

i dont feel like sleeping at all. i dont know why. i feel like stoning under the stars. like i always feel like.. especially these cool nights. takes away my sleepiness. pauses my mind. lets my heart run free.

the sunflower is under mercy of the sun.... sigh. sigh.sigh.

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