November 19, 2007

i should be apologising

had breakfast cum lunch with andy's dad :) went home and took a nap then met darling for awhile before he booked in. i was kinda late so we had like lesser time together :( all my fault. anyway.. after he fall in , he stood there for almost an hour before he went back to tekong la. chey.. so long.if i know i would stay longer there. hee hee.

kel came over to do her thesis with my face.. did 2 kinds.
was kinda fun going to see a 24hrs (private clinic) doctor with her in the middle of the night (cabbing down and back..) just to fake an mc for her work..
then bought nice food to my house to eat.. and of course, having all the make up on.
above all, kel thanks for the listening ear you would always lend when i need it. sometimes when no one else understands, you do. even when you dont, at least i have someone to talk to. i cant talk to everyone about some matters, neither would i want to be a blabber mouth by doing so. thanks anyway..

i really dont know whats the outcome of this battle. its my fault. but.. sigh. theres nothing more really to fight for. time will tell ... i hope it doesnt take too long.

i kinda miss andy right now..wondering if he gets enough sleep today. wondering if he'll do well for his range test tml. wondering if he's still feeling upset. i hope he gets a peaceful night of rest. i hope the angels are looking over him. i hope all will calm down...

im feeling so mixed up. so uncertain. so regretful. so irritated by myself. all i need is time. the songs will accompany me. fireworks please, someone. .. night.

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