November 17, 2007


16nov07. friday night.
came back from school, took a short break then went off for dinner. before that, i wanted to give andy a surprise but becus i took too long to prepare, i missed him ariving at pasir ris( he booked out). my fault. anyway, the day proceeded with dinner at crystal jade with my family, uncle and dearest grandma to celebrate me n jiejie's birthday :) the food was alrite only. and quite expensive.. hmmm. but i really enjoyed the time spent.
andy dropped by to surprise me when we almost finished our meals.. and we caught Beowulf, the movie together. to me, it was quite nice. To him, it wasnt at all. lol. BTW, the whole movie was animated. yeah.

darling picked me up from my house to his for lunch. as usual, his mum prepares gourmets and we had tang yuan for dessert. his family members actually gave me gifts in advance for my birthday cause i wouldnt be seeing them next week. Aww. so sweeeet! really touched ... their gifts will always be sincere and wrapped nicely. makes me smile!
we are gonna meet kel and kok wai later.. double dating again! missed those times. :)
the girls are meeting up tonight.. what a pity i cant join them.. will do so when i can!

the sky's grey outside the window ledge, and so it is in this room of andy's. i really dont know whats happening. moods sunken. sigh

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