November 9, 2007

sky.grey. me

darling booked out on wed night. was aniticipating it all. but sad thing he had to book in the next day to make it in time for his outfield. whats six days without contacting its other? trust and more trust.
i had to work yesterday and couldnt send hun to book in. however, him being him. picked me up for cake at nydc and sent me to work despite not having enough zzZz. how nice! really enjoyed that moment. as long as we both are smiling from the bottom of our hearts, i love it. who doesnt...
working in wisma has all along been quite boring (the crowd explains so-) however i passed time the fastest ytd. kel came over to my counter. i went over to her shop. kok wai and kel came over. my sister and her friend came over. talked on the phone for awhile. plus all the touching up, chargin handphone, keying in sales, i was kept occupied till 9.30! how awesome. then i made my way home ..i hate those typical mrt people. my eyes couldnt stop chiding them away.
the grey sky befalled me and then away (i hope). been in quite a mood for some time.its abit tangled in me. im totally going to beat up anyone and everyone....
my bank account says a no no.
received darling's call this morning. he has to go for outfield already.. misses and worries. but i heard it is beneficial to the guys despite the toughness. oh well. all the way then.
im so happy noinoi is not stressed up anymore. weee!!
oh i skipped lec. i ended up putting quite abit of make-up compared to other days. the kick just came.. haha. kick sia.but im no bimbo.. i am supposed to study at home instead. ta ta.

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