December 20, 2007


work gets better.

1st day at work..

met up with marie during my lunch break and thus fine dining at borders bistro at wheelok :)

A tribute to charmaine if she's seeing this .. haha.

Darling brought me to swensens for dinner ...

2nd day..

double dating at chomp chomp after work

darling wearing kel's M.A.C bracelet. hun! lol.

superb flavoured beancurd

became a beautiful mess

trying to take photo of us in the car? i guess i did a good counter job.

3rd day..

with my sassy colleague nadia during lunch

met kel at her store when andy chilled in a corner while waiting..

poor duck

poor shi yun

Kok wai may develop a fetish for make up like kelly does

the guys. you know they have girls.


time with hun and his family, walking around tamp mall. its getting funkier.
saw this at best denki. i seriously would built up a chipney and a fireplace just for this santa to drop by for the night. haha.


is my grandpa's death anni. miss him lots.. sigh. anyway, took the chance to pay my grandma a visit. love her lots!

fearturing, ah ma's speciality, super spicy-but-yummy chilli sauce.
then had lunch at her place before we headed for ikea together.. family time! haha. scouted for furnitures to do up my room.. targetS logged on! :)

darling came to pick me up and went for dinner with his family after resting for awhile at his place... and right after dinner, we met up with some of his friends, and the duck couple(AGAIN) for some chit chat.. :) i had my fun. now im sent back home and ordered to sleep while hun's out again. boys. make us worry.
T04's (A&F) having class bbq tml~ aww. dont think will be able to join them..
1B13's Xmas party leh? no news.. ??
M.A.C has reshuffling done. sigh. good news, im still at the same counter (thanks kel for helping me find out!) bad news, all the peeps i know would be gone.. oh well.
to the ms ducky. thanks for always being there!
to mr chicken a.k.a hun. thanks for always being so understanding, giving in, and bringing me for yummy food to pamper me :) love ya!
to mitch. thanks for wanting to surprise me. haha. we will meet! we will~
to vic and yk. misses.

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