December 13, 2007

i can just smell his perfume..

" spent a very nice day with hun. it was so enjoyable.. simple ..

.. going to his house aft sch,
had lil quarells,
i sang nonsense songs to him at his house,
i helped him vacuum the floor which had my hair all over it,
talked rubbish and many many lame jokes,
treated him to express teppanyaki and mini shoppin for snacks at ntuc,
ate alot alot of snacks at his house,
took a nap at his house,
had dinner with his father,
he sent me home before booking in.

the day was filled with laughter, smiles, hugs, love. :) never felt so happy in a long time. now i hafta study for marketing. i dont know why. i worry for him. his safety. his happiness.. dear God please watch over him,and my loved ones..

its perfectly fine to have regrets. if you can pull yourself together the very next moment, waste no time and work to make things better, good for you. if not, it is not useless at all to cry over spilled milk. as long as you learn from it ..

im just trying to figure things out. learning things the hard way? i wont know. until ive done it. if i ever regret, may i learn from it.

tighten. just tighten it?"

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