January 1, 2008


" happy new year to all.

blogs are filled with new year resolutions and all.. but mine is, ha. 2008.. the only diff to me is that i got a chance to buy a new organiser. for the fun of it. and i chose a real pocket sized one, handy and spacious enough to write in. oh. now that i think of it.. are these counted as resolutions?
  1. targetting stuffs to buy
  2. studying hard for subjects that i failed
  3. clearing my room for cny
  4. tidying up myself ( i looked into the mirror and i was filled with horror at what i see. i need to look better. its my max. )
  5. giving my mum less chances to nag at me ( well it means ill be a less noti girl! wow.)
  6. treasuring time with my loved ones ..

alright. now it looks like a decent new year blog post. haha. ill be close or will be not working again for this month.. i have lotsa time for recreation, study(oh ya ya) and loveydovey time with hun on weekends!

i spent my countdown to new year double dating with the ducks. got to catch the fireworks .. in huns car, on the ECP.haha. not too bad la. ... anyway i enjoyed my time with him to the max recently. what a sigh of relief what past had past. ive learnt, he forgiven, we're loving every bit of it. ...

i felt so down on the first day of sch-open. i dont know. but ive got a feeling it'll not be for long. i just hope that my loved ones will be fine and happy.. i guess ill be fine for sure then.. just sent hun to book in.. the feelings all greenyellowbluepinkred. i dont even know what im tokin bout anymore. looking forward to this weekend anyway!

ive got a project to do. ive yet to upload pics which i am so lazy to.. that i bet i wont. im rarely this awake at this time so i decided to take care of my face, do my work and pack my room. mr. energiser, here i come ... !!!!!!!!!!!! "

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