January 23, 2008

potato couch blogging

seriously i am turning aunty. im beginning to enjoy coming home straight aft school because i get more time to rest and relax. haha. really lor. anyway stats test today was like shit. so shit.

but i have something to look forward to tml .. im getting a hair job. haha. wld prolly dye it light brown. love girls outing!! me, my sis n my mum. we booked the hair stylist alrdy! thinking of perming it but.. hmmm. ill enjoy hair fun instead. my curling tongs and straightener can be handy when i have time. oh. i wanted to tong my hair tml to sch but wont risk it as i know its best to maintain your hair at its best condition to ensure that the dye can go on better~

thinking back on the day we went out with vic..
met vic's classmate for like 10mins tt day.. he was having blonde but very groomed hair.

me: is your hair very dry ( it didnt look so for a long, blonde hair )
boy: no
me: do you take care of it?
boy: no
me: cannot be. then how come its not dry
boy: i use conditioner everyday

haha. how rare for a guy to think using conditioner everyday is NOT counted taking care of it..

wanting to do my project to send to the stupid jw but my lappie's failling me. stupid microsoft cant load! no ppt, no words, no excel, no everything. and if i try opening it, it lags my lappie. what man...

as usual, waiting for his call.. this always leaves time for reflection. cant wait for weekends alrdy.

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