January 28, 2008

okay i kena tagged.

Rules of the game: Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs!

anyways, here it goes..
  1. I am super afraid of cold ( i take a 50-50 risk of a morning flu the next day, sleeping in air-conditioning)
  2. i so love spicy. cant live without it
  3. i used to spend all my money on makeup. used to..
  4. i can fall asleep within 5 mins no matter how much i slept before it ( ima feelin it now.. i just had a nap..)
  5. i can differentiate cars on the road. not normal for a girl to.
  6. i am messier than a boy can get.
  7. a sucker for mango milkshake opposite tp
  8. when i was young, i would fall asleep once the clock striked nine.. no matter where i was. when i was very very young k.
  9. i used to dance since i was in kindergarden till sec. ask me why i stopped. i dont know. i wanna cont too.
  10. i have a stupid friend his name is jw and he tagged me for this.

alrite. check that out.

tons of pics are waiting to get blogged up but i cant find the miniSD adapter. will do it soon.

  • generally, school has been quite a juggle for me. really, being lazy sucks to the core. trust me for that. im prolly the pro at that. and i went for macro econs tutorial today ok~ thats super rare. ive been mc-ing for the past month. and i realised i left only 2, now 1 more tut to go till exams. ha ha. my one hand can count how many times ive attended it for the whole sem.
  • after that, i came home and changed into my jogging attire. i was fully equipped, tied up my hair, then i went to sleep in it. someone just kill me.
  • had quite a pleasant weekend with hun. quarrels, but still sweet. really treasuring every moment with him :)
  • had project meeting with my pom people on sun evening at del's house.. and the guys kept saying i was kinda useless to the group. *grits teeth* but its ok :/ the presentation was today. everyone was late because we all had a late night, rushed through our presentation.. but at least its over! the peeps looked great in formal tho:)
  • hoping plans would carry out well tml. morning lecture cancelled! darn happy sch starts at 2pm. hiakhiak! then popping by mac to get some stuffs from my dearly missed kelkel, then dinner with my crazy girls in class. Miss clarity yeah?
  • i hope my batt doesnt die on me tml. or else hun call, then how? jialat again.

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