February 28, 2008

The Confetti shower (no, not the ones on my hair!)

Confetti, party poppers, balloons, whatever it is. exams are over and it deserves a celebration. this year end exam has really killed many of us. i really cannot put in words how stress was that 1 week. power pack one ok.. wake up, bathe, eat breakast, memorise notes, go sch, take exam, go back home, bathe, eat dinner, take out books and study, take a 4 hours nap(try to), then wake up... yada yada yada. the cycle repeats itself.

i stayed over at del's house for many many days. our bootcamp during exams to revise together. haha. her family is just soo hospitable! and we girls had a productive time together. on the last day of exams, lijie came over to join us del's house. it was just sooooooooo fun. insect here and there, hearing mysterious knocks on the door, pretending to sleep then burst out laughing.. etc. haha. :) and i think we are very power. our merely 4/5 hrs of sleeps lasted us for 2DAYS. i didnt sleep last night and im dead beaten now.

i was so stressed i had an outbreak and everyone.. EVERYONE asked me what happened to my face.." wA! why your face liddat! you very stress ah?" .... my gosh. if u dont believe just ask del how many thousand people commented on that in just a few days. i can just bang my head on the wall. since exams are over ( not needing to fret for supp paper YET..) if i dont take care of my complexion.. and pamper myself (shopping??) .... i think i will dissapoint my body. wahhaa.

went to town right after the last paper(accounts) with the girls and Sui. had swensens then followed by P.S I Love You. i tell you itsa SUPER DUPER DUPER NICE SHOW. VERY TOUCHING, CLOSE TO HEART, REAL LIFE SCENES PORTRAYED.... 5/5 stars MUST CATCH.MUST WATCH.MUST BRING TISSUE PAPER. haha. the girls almost flood the cinema i think. but at least no one was like sobbing or crying out loud kinda thing..

the girls then headed to clubbing but i returned home alone. too tired out alrdy..

just received a phonecall from my 1week-and-still-sick hun. sigh. sometimes im not trying to nag, or mock.. but to persuade. sometimes from your actions i know what you think is more impt. extra time wasted? or health? .. i dont know what to say anymore. i think if i dont nag at you, who will. and if i cant, who can. for now, silence and agreement shld be best. i know you have your stand and burdens.. anyway, thanks hun for your support and encouragement to my during my exams though you were sick and i couldnt visit you often due to revision. thanks, get well soon.

finally home after 4 days. i miss my bed so much. my family and my house. :) and thanks delanie and aunty jenny and ro-anne (0opsie) for accomodating me!!!!! i cant put my feelings into words. after so much concentration and stress, its a lil hard to suddenly go into holiday mood. i usually have post exams stress. lol.

crossing fingers till the sms of results comes in. seriously. super last min, super scared.
thanks again to my dear friends who helped me during my exams, marie(muaaack), lijie, del, charms.. etc. cannot make it w/o you people!

now i hope everyone enjoys their holiday! :) i hope ill enjoy mine!!!!! and when sch reopens in 6weeks, ill be in a diff class, with different expectations, subjects and environment. oh well! :)


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