February 23, 2008

hungry. lunchtime.

management paper killed me.totally headshot bang bang. sigh.
microecons followed looking deceivingly smooth. then i realised i screwed up too.
seriously i am gonna teat myself to ginko nut pills to boost memory because it seems that i can forget what anyone told me in just 3 seconds. really.

Like the most common phenomenon:
smart: remeber A, B and C ahr.
dumb: ok
dumb: huh what you say again. i forgot again. sorry sorry.

now i have two more papers on tue, 1 on wed and another one on thur. Not aiming anywhere near high. i hope ill pass the equater of all subjects. sigh.... *crossing fingers*.

took a break ytd after the papers. hun was down with fever. cabbed down to take care of him. must one. i think only when i take care of him he will recover speedily. hahaha. really. cause i can force him to take medicine. :)

why do we only have 6weeks holiday and rp students get 10weeks? figure that out. im so jealous.

and im so hungry now!!! craving for yu pian mi fen from tamp blk 138. ahhhhhhhhhhhh. hate exams man. im so glad marketing is project base.

note: studying with smart people helps. all thanks, marie. :)

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