February 1, 2008

im too fat for cny. lol

song of the day : yi yan shun jian ( by xiao jing teng and a-mei )
artinery of my day:
slept super alot,
watched mommy do her yummylicious pineapple tarts which she started ard 9.30am and is still doing now. more than 12 hrs can..,

skipped lec and accidentally skipped tutorial. i thought it was cancelled. i am sucha fool.
watched xiao jing teng and yang zhong wei videos,
checked out scandals of celebrity ( yeayea, so many of em. but seriously the girl always loses out. poor things. sure break down want ma. )
wanting to varnish my nails,
packed my room.

i was having a super bad pms recently. sorry for all i have shown my temper too. esp hun. the bad nights have passed. i really hope so.

and im seeing him tml! yea~~ :D

had project meeting ytd at 6pm in sch. it lasted for awhile and we headed for dinner together. i really enjoyed my time with my friends. super reluctant to change class. arghhh. cracking our brains out, at the same time laughing our ass off at jokes. man. it really got into me.

wanted to meet up vic but she always ends sch so late la. its ok.. i met joyce instead and i super love scaring the customers at the shop, together. 2 crazy women. we are amused by:
jeans size 24s claiming they are so fat, while jeans size 30+ not doing so. sometimes when u come to terms that u are what u are, you are much practical. but.. please dont say funny things like a 24 is fat. ( o pwease tell me how thick can a twig get ) altho it tickles us but its kinda annoying hearing that 10 thousand times a day. lol. joyce, i feel you man. but seriously, my dear friend joyce is so pro at recommending jeans :) we met many funny(actually weird) customers and i am digusted to think i prolly used to be like some of em. oh those ol' days..

i met a weird guy today. really amazed by what he did. oh man. im not gonna elaborate. just in case he blog hops here by any chance. wahaha.

hun, i will try to settle things asap. sorry for makng u worry so much. my mistake, i will settle it. itsa promise.

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