February 6, 2008

pictures missing.

moods been up and down recently. gosh.

mon: went to bugis with my girls. del and ljie did manicure at bugis streeat. grrr. they totally regretted. marie got crazy over tees and backpacks. while i was too tired to even walk ard..

kel flew off le..

tue: had a super steamboat gathering with my family. was really fun. 20 over peeps cramming in my tiny living room? aha. girls gossiping, children playing games, adults mahjong, food, talk, laughter. it was a moment i loved. although hosting the dinner meant abit of cleaning up for mummy, i bet she enjoyed it every bit. whats more hun decided to suprise me that night! he told me he could only book out on wed. but that night he bought 20 bowls of my fav selegie beancurd up to my house!! :) :) :) ma ma mia! although the night was spent with a lil confusion for me, i tried not to let it affect me. how kids grow up! cant recognise my cousins anymore. hha. and, my pri 4 cousins have darn good memory can?! they see my bro and my blog url once and they memorised it. now they can view us anytime at home. wahahah. no explicit content from now onwards! lol. and i discovered my lil cousie has a blog. super duper cute...

good thing it was a misunderstanding. seriously.

and that night i was dead beaten. that i missed lecture today. and my poor del wanted to meet me to go sch together. first time lor.

wed ..today : varnished my nail a second time after doing it merely five days ago. hated my nail to loose its shine. got it done bright red. so CNY. and im so looking forward to ktv reunion dinner later!!! kinda our family tradition, our steamboat dinner isnt held on the eve but we actually hold our reunion dinner at vip ktv rooms every year. yeah man! this yr's no exception!

and how can typing a blog entry make me tired. dang.. i am.

1 comment:

Lijie said...

WAHAHAHAHA, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! Yes! Update more pictures! Love you rox!