March 18, 2008


work was pretty not bad today. met old colleagues before the counter re-shufflement. met new colleagues whom make me laugh non-stop.. low sales. but fun :)

kenneth, a colleague of mine took the mrt with me back to the east side. fwaaaaaaaa. i tell you ah, there is this super duper smelly person who walks in the cabin we were in and as a result some had to alight at the next stop to take another train ( haha. yeah. we were one of em'.), and many had to use whateva they had in hand to 'fan' away the smell. not exaggerating. many were coughing, others were frowning because of the smell. wonder if the guy himself realises it. but imagine, if he is so poor tt he cant take a bathe and ppl still cast him aside, so poor thing. but if he got money take mrt why no money take a bathe. puzzled.

anyway, im happy being home before twelve and letting my poor feets take a rest.

i realised sometimes distance really makes the heart grow fonder. (sometimes distance changes everything. so, ya. haha. sometimes only) like today :) i was busy at work.. and maybe becus recently he isnt too stressed in camp, we can talk to each other so happily while still being so understanding ( despite the little phonecalls ). no matter how tiring my day was, it made me :) and have something to look forward to before i slp. his call..


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