March 20, 2008

we turned 1.92 years old. hurray!

went out in the day to accompany hun to the National Skin Centre again. (he could come outta camp for a few hrs for medical appmt) im so glad we met a better, more professional and firm doctor, to begin with. the problem with the NSC is that it is a training centre for trainee doctors! we happened to consulted one the prev time we were there and it was ... i guess i dont needa explain. anyway ... he was dead beat tired and he fell asleep on my lap while waiting for his turn. loved it. cause normally it is e other way round. yeah. im the always-lazying-ard.

late at nite, i waited for him to reach back to camp. it was kinda sweet but i guess either the tiredness or pms gotten over me. we had to end our day in silence and mere sian-ess. sigh. its ok.. after a good nite's slp, all is well. its our 23rd month anni today! awaiting his book out later.. :)

do not despise this bowl of mee-sua (noodles..). my bro and his gf went to buy this for me just becus i was hungry but lazy to step outta my house. touched* haha.

alrite. im abt to prepare to go out ;)

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