March 10, 2008

my wallet is emptied inside out

hun was at my place for the whole of ytd. yes. we NUA-ed at home... at left house only ard 7.30pm to the IT fair that i so wanted to catch.. nothing in particular i wanna get but sweet hun accompanied me walking rounds n rounds of the convention hall. lemme tell ya there are many good deals around... haha. havent been in a IT fair for too long i guess..

..i grabbed a pink sony cybershot digi cam :) loving it soo much.
..thinking of changing a laptop at the next IT fair.. ( maybe yes maybe no. i still have like 2 more years of warranty on my current fujitsu..) alrite i admit.i was tempted by the deal of pink vaio sam got. starting to feel gadget-y! ima boy now.

AND. cause i got myself a camera, i will live w/o a camera phone.

ok the thing is that we actually had to take dinner at around 11plus (cause i insisted to walk ard n ard n ard ..) which left hun all tired, hungry and sian cause he gotta go back to camp early this morning and he couldnt get home early as we both thought he would. MY FAULT................... sry..

hope del & mira's test went smoothly and their mod2 wld be fun!

(i went to mustafa a few days back at abit passed midnight and dang it was closed! hey isnt mustafa 24-7 or was it some special indian-festive day? tsk. make me excited for nthn)

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