March 12, 2008

thr u go


love simple meals with my siblings! because its like 4 kids that are schedules are very packed.. its kinda rare..

going nude. a half or one tone lighter than your actual skin's. brightens up ya fingers while being really neutral.

me and my beloved sis

my virgin try of topless5 at swensens.
banana split: good
cookies n cream: all time fav
strawberry: not bad
sticky chewy choc: personal fav
thin mint: yucky 4 me. kinda (too) bitter for an ice cream flavour

pretty but super low standard seafood baked rice from swensens.
(swensens still has nice stuff .. haha. )

ktv with hun :) he was very very sweet that night.. as always.

goofy moments

finally... my baby girl

..received my exam results. it was a sigh.. but its alrite.. study lor.
..todays the class chalet. :) but del and charms will be there really late leh. tsk.
..tml im meeting my dear noinoi .. heehee.
..received a surprising sms from a long time no hear friend, vic.
..heard my sec girls are having a bbq some time soon. havent had such a gathering since we seperated polys. and yes.. among the 5 of us... TP,RP,NYP,NAFA,MI,NP. wa piang. how to meet leh u say?

ok.. i had probs uploading pics of the past. im cracking my head of how & when to transfer my 400plus pics over to my fuji..

hun booked in today. ive went back to those days where i would patiently await weekends with him.. but im thankful enough..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your cam! and, i PASSED MY TEST! love you, girl.