March 18, 2008

smiling in fatigueness

sat: had some photoshoot of kids at novena area. but sadly, other than these pics, seriously it was screwed up and sucked totally for me. sorry if innocent people were dragged down by my mood n attitude. i'll take that learning step but it was really horrendous. for the happy moments... me and del having our own fun and me taking secret shots of the kids till i know their too much distracted by me.. (mira busy helping out at photoshoot 'backstage')

kuay teow fried with chilli padi. hurhur.

i hope the bird didnt sh*t on her head

mama-san look-a-like

sun: much of a drama the weekend was. but everything settled down. hun and i got a nice rest and some time together before he booked in again.really love simple times with him. when we are outside, when there are alot of factors influencing us, when im tired.. all these would make us unhappy. i love slacking with him at home cause nothing mentioned above would disturb our peace.. :) love ya, hun!

met kev and sam at ktv in orchard. was pleasantly surprised by the good vocals of the company. then we headed for swensens. me&sam=talk. kev=sleep. haha. yeh.

mon: went to sch for a lil while before i went to help out del as her model again. firstly, congrats to del and mira for their both certs!! you guys improved sooooooooo much. then met up with the guys for dinner at chomp chomp. i had my much much much fun!!! hee hee. just took a bath to rinse away the smell of the clinging oil, sambal, fried stuffs, and what not to be. tired. yes, very tired cus i got work tml. anyway ..

end product. artist on the right

they being super happy after their hard work paid off. so excited for whats planned ahead of your journey!!!! heehee.
chomp chomp people!!

good stuffs must share ;p
jeremy, wee chang, CK, del .. rox behind the cam.

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