March 14, 2008


met my hun to accompany him to medical appointment. abit of commotion but all ceased when....

this came along. haha. i love choc. cheap but nice.

oh and we bought this on impulse. rice crackers

and it tastes fabs with tuna(mine wld be always spicy) or some other meat.. :)

met up with mitch and row at town *look into my eyes..* haha
Hun was so sweet he sent me to town in the rain before he ran off hurriedly back to camp cause he was gonna be late. what wld i do w/o you? :)

catching up over some yummy..

thr u go..

walked around.. shopped!! (a new white pair of heels joined my shelfs. so wanting to try a 3.5 or 4 incher!!) and caught a movie with her aft row left for work. this movie has all the very popular rmb songs around. cus i love dance, i have always enjoyed this genre of movie to the max. (take the lead, step up, honey(best of all to me) ..) sam and kev caught horton. good ratings from them.. hmm. im not too sure abt animations, except for rattatouille. but i feel like catching it too. other movie on my waiting list: CJ7, the leap years, rule#1, 10 000BC.

parted happily when both our trains came at the same time.
had fun! love you!!

todays lunch! i woke row up the moment i opened my eyes cause we were the only two left at home and i wanted someone to accompany me. haha. we were hungry so...

yes, it was delicious, at the very least to us. lol. a simple meal of tom yam seafood soup and rice.

my message to hun:

on every other nights, its winnie :)

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