March 8, 2008

tired + happy = rox's 7march08

woken up by a sudden flu attack. dang!

i cant believe i only have one more weekend before my dear boy goes back into stay-in mode for NS. gosh... im alrdy so used to seeing him everyday. and the worst thing is his body is getting very weak due to the lack of rest, the contact with rain, the many late nights in camp, the physical burdens of his. sigh. how to nurture his health back in time? ive got today and tml .. ONLY. chicken essence? vitamin C ? more rest? ... =x

had my fun with del and mira ytd.. the models xienna and fif were pretty cute too! upload pics soon . . we went to city hall and mira shops like her visa is charged to no where. del was pretty worn out by the heavy makeup kit and her barang barang.. and i had a minor headache on.. but it was still fun fun fun :) popped by the so-long-no-see beauty hall in raffles place. nice to see familiar faces.. in particular M.A.C, estee lauder, elizabeth arden, Biotherm.. and some acquaittances at work, in other brands..

got a lift from del's mum to her house where i waited for my hun to pick me up. (it was late at night i prolly missed the last bus).. to our surprise, hun bought many bowls of selegie beancurd (fav!!!) and even some for del's house!! so sweet of him. he made me, del, and aunty jenny happy. hee hee. thanks hun!!!!

ytd ended with sending a very sick andy to my doorstep. just relieved he was heading home to catch some rest...

** yes aimee. ill mention ur name a thousand times..
AIMEE you die alrdy
AIMEE you die alrdy
AIMEE you die alrdy.

lol. i say for my brother.


Anonymous said...

The beancurd was simply yummylicious!

Anonymous said...


aimee's dead now.