April 20, 2008

(andy+rox) / (24months) / (2years) / (ole) / (hooray)

not that we are some baby... but we turned 2 yrs old:)

hun really did all the surprising, planning and busy-ing for our anni. im really very touched by what he did. i merely wanted to bring him to choose a gift he would like ( close ones know how hard it is to get a gift for this guy ) .. while he shop, prepared, cooked all in 2 midnights (secretly aft sending me home from work) ! after that he was all worned out and all but i really appreciated it to the core. i love ya hun. i wasnt wrong when i said that u would treat ya gf good even b4 we were togethr. im gonna make it up to him next weekend. thank you my dear .. thank you so much. you always give the push we need in the r/s.

thanks to my dear girls for those 'happy anni' sms-es. made me smile.
(pics up the next time i blog :)

tml is sch. new sem. new class. new course. new subjects. k. im prepared ( no, im not )

mumsy's coming bk home anytime soon. im excited to hear abt her holiday .. and most impt her good buys. haha.

i love andy chua hun-y. i love my friends. i love my work. i love my fam. i love my sch (~~~). i am a fortunate girl. i am contented. i really am.

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