April 21, 2008

pictures as promised

he wanted to bring me picnic @ fork canning in the middle of the night to celebrate our first min of anni together but i was too tired i fell slp .. :(
but when i woke up, i saw these on the table. i am a hungry girl. i love food. hun knows what i love to eat..

egg mayo bread

spicy tuna bread

potato salad

finished with a cup of oatmeal milk.

easy breakfast? hun had to buy the ingredients from diff supermarket .. had to boil, peel, mix, chill, cut, etc etc... all alone and in 2 midnights. those who cook will know its time consuming to cook up a variety of flavours. i love ya hun! best present ever. you really got my hint abt our anni. something simple but nice. :) a guy who plans surprises, cooks, takes care of me. heh heh.

we went to town that day and when i was busy doing my make up in his car, he left a lil gift for me just beside my car seat, next to the handbrake. heehee. a pink earpiece i have been looking for for soo long!! i was grinning ear to ear. caught me by surprise cause i happened to drop my mascara beside me seat ... dropped 1, found 2 :D

in the car i was given 2 packets of famous amos cookies to savour during the journey. my fav fav fav... hun knows me best.

andy's mum birthday dinner @ novotel hotel, clarke quay area

by the pool ..

ambience was pretty good. and when the night fell, the place glowed beneath blue lights.

the kids even had a play area with Xbox and wireless controllers..

andy's cute cousins. it was a buffet dinner.. and im surprised how refined and 'french' cultured they were at the age of .. 14. haha. i really laughed at his plate. so cute.

lovely coffee cheesecake. the coffee pork ribs were pretty good too.

my fav. chocolate fondue. ok.. i only like banana and rockmelon with choc. im a no to the famous marshmellow.

strawberry mousse cake

the hotel staffs came ard our table and sang a birthday song for her. so there she is, a happy mum with her presents behind her. hun and i got her a perfume she likes :)

miscellaneous pics :

kev pampered my tastebuds with super delicious tang yuans from bedok 85

cutest dog i have ever seen so far. just lika baby.

stupid needle from a nametag stuck outta my bag, and kept poking into my jeans. after awhile when i realised my butt was abit pain .. my jeans was....

alrite. today there is no sch! yey. cause 1st week no tutorial aite? ole !! lemme just relax myself for another day..

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