April 6, 2008

lovely sunday

i was disappointed, lost but now found and renewed with hope. i really hope it all works out. when i look at you now, i remove all veils and i see my then handsome and charming hun. although aged since the day we met, i see my sense of security in his eyes. i love his eyes, i love his sharp nose, love his lips and how his hair falls by his smooth forehead. this time, im glad. this time ill love it. :)

spent much today, bought supplements, story book, and a wonder product ...
the hot/cold pack. the brand is bye bye pain.
haha. ytd we were too bored hun and i, together with row and her bf, we headed to mustafa near midnight. thus, i found the wonder pack to cure cramps/fever/other pains! heyhey~ invert the metal pieace in it and it heats up to a 130 farenheit, it says. or otherwise, chill it. and it works. shiooook! 7 dollars plus only. i bought a small sized one, figurin i might need it to be in my back in case of emergencies :)
(i knew i had one at home but i wanted a personal one. stupid habit of mine, a.k.a selfishness )

hun is back at camp. i was influenced by his new .. past-time, reading. he loves self-help books, while i love fiction(romance) or else true life account narrative books. it totally reflects our personality! he is truly practical down to earth guy, im the daydream girl. not sure abt u but i totally see the balance in our r/s! just like how he is my personal finace controller and im the dont-know-how-my-$-is-spent person.

poor row will be starting sch tml.

oh and talkin abt that just realised my need to study hard. better late then never.

i want my red toy poodle. i want a puppy. i will love my puppy. tsk.

birthdays and anniversaries are enough to kill my bank book..

oops. and i forgot to call hun. bye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hee hee, my friend that dont know where her money goes!- dee