April 13, 2008

pictures all jumbled up

too tired to sort em out. loadin them spent my sleeping time away. hmph.

anyway .. went to pulau ubin with hun and the duck couple. cycling was pretty much a chore out of the fun. but i lova it!

bang into one female ang moh. argh.

hun took care of it with a abit too small but cute plaster. lol

taken in the middle of our journey. i was on hun's car .. stretching myself to snap them beside us.

aft cycling went to andy's grandma birthday celebration. the cake's so traditional but joyous looking. haha.

aft work today..

duckies at ubin looking at turtles in the pool

kampong girl. haha

me and hun were always infront of the ducks cus they wld slowly push their bikes up slope.. lol. kelly was too small sized to get a normal mountain bike. haha. she got a smaller one..

on the bumper boat..

the water splashes made by the boat created mini rainbows!! take a closer look at the pic. see if u can spot it.. its much more obvious in real.

nice scenery, nice couple. lol

my gosh. it was beside us!

ok & i spotted two squashed frogs and i squashed chameleon on the bicycle track so i cld be heard screaming while cycling ( eh, i practically ran over the chameleon's tail can. yucks!!!! )


more kampung sceneries

he looks so cute la. lol. at least to me~

yey! bet kel was looking into her own camera or something..

smirks!! duckies take picture. chickens cannot lose!

my gosh. my sworn enemy. true reptile species: lizard (body shape) + crocodile (skin texture) + snake (head). eeew.

the only other animal i knew carry its baby in a pouch. looks much scarier than a kangaroo tho.

alrite, realise i have much shorter hair! and im very excited to know my new time table. hope lessons not too early nor long.
its available on vbus from the 17th april, 10 am if im not wrong :)

work again tml.. so ciaos!

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