April 12, 2008

although sales was bad. i love work. super love it .. love the people .. love the company.. love the carefreeness... love the way it eats up my time yet allowing me to learn.

i just fell in love with english songs bring the rmb and love songs on man.shiok.(.. i used to be a very 93.3 person. )

my life is based on illusions now. i hope this comes to a beautiful ending no matter what.

im in love with dove shampoo and conditioner. only one to win asience for me. that smell on ya hair.. shiok. oh ... and talkin abt that i have realllyyyyy short hair now~ so short. got it cut again. pictures soon! :)

ken leeeeeee .. eee .. tulibu libu douchooo. ken leeeee...eeee. ken lee meju more

an amazing interview by the bulgarian idol contestant! click. must see. i rarely post videos...

enjoy this funny shit.

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