May 6, 2008

crazy network

in school now.. rushed for the 8 a.m public speaking tutorial. and i hafta spend a good 4 hrs in sch till my next lesson at 2p.m. good thing almy is meeting me for lunch earlier at 1. my very vain but bubbly girlfriend in class :)

havent been blogging cause i wanted to treasure my every moment with hun before he departed singapore for taiwan (NS trip). ya la.. might seem very cliche or mushy i know. but i took it all cool till i saw his backview walking away from me, to the check-in gates. then it suddenly shook me that it was going to be a good 3 weeks..

i always tell myself 3 weeks, 3 weeks.. instead of 21 days, 21 days. its all psychological effect, but i rather be it that way. things between us sweetened up so much its quite about like strawberry syrup. looking back on all we have been through, it makes my heart feel so fuzzed up. i cant tell the future, but i know now all i want is to cherish such a guy. there are other good guys out there. but im just glad i got hun. this few days i feel consoled by his every call. and how sweet! he even called me just to make sure i have woken up for school, despite having to pay his own telephone bills (overseas charge..). i wont go rattling on like im trying to promote this guy called andy. but if hun will read this in the future..
love you just as much as i had, have been, am loving, and will love u.

ok. put small small so not so mushy. heh heh.

stupid network isnt allowing me to upload pics! i want my pics up! almy wants her pics up too. haha. arghhhhhhhhhh. c'mon man. make it work. it is either that blogger gets cranky or the network does. Dang!

speaking of pics,my cam's batt died on me the day before hun flew. so i cant take pictures that few days... :( nevermind. 3 weeks. i can tahan!!!!!!!!

the durian season is here, people! when choosing durians ..
1. avoid too watery or hard ones. if you test and dont like it must say! they also can reject 'stock' back to the wholesale one leh. quite cool hor.

2. you might wanna try ice cream durians if you havent. when you eat it chilled (the durian fruit) , it taste like durian ice cream :)

3. wait another month and the premium grade of durians coming out! more expensive, but small seeds, great taste!!!

4. i just got to know that Sabah has red durians? ( outside green, inside red ) WA. i want to try.

Wapiang! load my pics cannot. load durian picture can. is blogger hungry or what. let me try uploading again... - ok really cannot. nonsense lor. very mad at it.

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