October 31, 2007

nice group?

my group's logo! haha. my group consist of me,del, and the three musketeers. ( jing wen, kyle & anwari )
heyheyhey! im so fuming mad. jingwen posted a really ugly photo of me in his blog. andddddd .. he announced that im self- proclaimed pretty. he is gonna get it from me!
anway.. chill. my group's slogan is "you'll never eat claypot rice again". how lame right. jingwen created it. but seriously. i think its not bad. cause how does a lipstick (which me n del insisted we want) and a anti-liverpool logo (which the 3 musketeers insisted) goes together right? what more with such a slogan.

crap(3 musketeers) +crap =cool (del n rox)

1 comment:

jjingwenn said...

you'll never eat claypot rice alone, not AGAIN!