November 14, 2007

the throat

my throat hurts. it started yesterday morn. detoriated as the day went on. made me all tired, sleepy and unfeeling well at tutorial. at night when i went home, i ate something thats made it all worse cause i was hungry. and it really really hurt as i struggled to gulp down as much water as i can and try to ignore the pain to get some sleep. this morning, the pain eased.. and what left are signs of heatiness. gosh.. the weather+lazy me= heatiness.

anyway, went to tamp mall ytd during break with my classmates.. they accompanied me to buy my hair mask (i just did it! yey. i love my hair). how nice! and its charmaine's birthday today. happy 17th birthday charms!!! .. how exciting. everyones gonna wear red. its her fav colour.and im wearing a dress-top that i bought in sch ytd. freaking cheap.. but nice..

i skipped lecture today. was too tired out by my throat i didnt have a peaceful night of sleep. im supposed to be studying for a test now.. sigh.

good news of the day: andy ends outfied today and he should be able to call me tonight! :) awaiting fri or sat when he can book out..

alright. my birthdays approaching. not purposely mentioning to expect something but. i celebrated 16 birthdays before. the 17th isnt really that exciting anymore. oh.. :/

lastly, thanks to my dear classmates, and close friends for all the showers of concern i felt throughout time spent together with you..

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