November 15, 2007

smilling in the rain!

oh. this is good. wanted to upload many pics to share w ya guys. but instead of pressing the move button, i pressed the delete. shoot me, somebody! i love my pics cause i have short term memory. and realli. i have no recollection of what happened the past few days. i even deleted nice pics that i took with my dearest ...

  1. classmates. all the nonsense fun we shared. and charmaine's birthday pics
  2. yongkit. the sweet girl and the dinner we shared, the lovely pink daisies she bought for me n jie jie, our neoprint session. i really love this girl to bits!\
  3. myself. i cant remmeber how i look, what i wore, where i went in the last few days. dang!

I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyway, received andy's call today and ytd. really sweet to hear his voice, his concern for me. and he is sick. my goodness. will the weather please take good care of him?

my heart. mad.

had project in the morn and i was late. had to cab down to sch w surcharge. gosh i hate that system.
brought all the wrong books to sch today so i ended up doing nthn during tutorial. GREAT.
went to work carrying so many redundant things. big, heavy, messy. NICE.
sales was very poor. AHUH.
i deleted all my photos. ROLL EYES.

BUT. its ok. if you make urself happy, the day is still counted as done. If your blues stay with you, the day is still counted as done. so why not just smile and be happy?:) sometimes its just so nice to believe in such simple.. principles. ima smilin!

anyway,i was sniffing my way through the journey home.i was having some stuffy nose instead of runny nose. and while i was on the phone (in mrt), this pretty lady standing beside me suddenly took out from her handbag tissue paper and offered it to me. (actually a couple of times! altho i did not ask for it) actually it was super sweet. she wasnt like chiding me away la (like what my brother say, she thinks im unhygienic.yaya.). so i just replied with a couple of smiles and thank-us. to the world: samaritarians do still exists.

alrite. i needa turn in soon. keep on smilling people. the world still rawks.

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