November 26, 2007

Gimme a pair of scissors

fri: jiejie and i cooked dinner while waiting for her bf to come to our place. hee hee. i cooked stir fried japanese noodles and miso soup while she did her hubby's fav luncheon meat and potatoes. my sis happened to have bought a special luncheon meat. the one with bacon.. really nice.

on the way to buy the ingredients we needed..

cute kitty we saw on our way home

all seemed wonderful till we realised the portion we cooked was enough for the entire family.. haha. bad estimation!

went to kel's house in the middle of the night cause i needed her guidance in some stuffs. thanks a whole lot kel! and now that i know your quite a tv addict. haha.

sat: darling books out! hee hee. he booked out this sat afternoon. i went over his place to see my prince and then we went to have dinner at Hanis, at budget terminal. what lovely decos!

gorgoeus unicorns!!

food to recommend:

blueberry crumble pie, cheesecake, choc truffle. yummy!

after that, me and hun went to the arcade at tamp mall to kill time before watching enchanted :) i love this machine, time crisis. so fun. although i always die in less than 3 mins ... its ok. im still havin my fun. lol.

we took a spin after the movie.. love feeling the wind through my hair

anyway, enchanted is a really sweet-all-girls-must-watch-show. "ive been dreaming of my true love kiss ...." haha. and i love that lil brat chipmunk.. cute lil thing.

pics of us in his room. aww.

kissing? nah!! haha. just posing as if it was so. hiak hiak. and andy entertained me by acting along as well...

and i brushed his hair. look at his expression. LOL.

took this miracle chinese medicine at his house for my cough. seriously good.. 2 dosage and im well.. oh yeh!

sun: accompanied my boy for lunch at his place then to the doctors to get an mc he needed.. we then met later in the evening along with kok wai and kelly to grab a bite at tamp mall.

all i can say was, the both couples werent that happy.. long story. but still treasure time with my friends and my love one.. :) kel and grace, so sorry i couldnt join you guys. i know you guys will understand..

anyway, the storm hit us last night, wrecked havoc, then left .. leaving still silence and peacefulness. phew. just glad its over. things are fine and good now, at least for now.

we had supper at swensens. he knew how i like things to be..

i came from school.. (i enjoyed tutotrial with my macro class :) and now im going back to sch. how careless to forget: handphone POM project to hand in macroecons project to show the tutor.

argh. so now i hafta come home to get it. hate it man. so lazy. anyway, afterwards im meeting my boy! hee hee ... yey yey.

i sure am tired...

trust me, its giving me a headache. seriously. if it wont stop, ill explode.. now, will someone teach me what to do? its really terribly. . tangled up. ill need a pair of scissors..

ive been suffering from stomach queeziness due to ?!@# ... sigh. hope ill go away soon.

alrite, betta go soon ... chaos.

1 comment:

Mitch said...

How i missed the days we pranced around in the kitchen cooking washing and simply just chilling.
