November 21, 2007

my birthday blew me off


check out the happenings:

1.dinner with family @ Crystal Jade (with my dearest boyfriend, ah ma n uncle too!)
2.dinner with darling@ Swensens ( got me a little gift, a big gift and a wonderful time)
3.dinner with my funky classmates and other Nov babies at Bugis steamboat ( super duper fun luhh!)
4.dinner with my dearest kelkel @ ThaiExpress. Yongkit came to join us too! (kelkel treated me to dinner..muacks!)
5.received WOW WOW from my friends in class and the never ending speaker blasting happy birthday songs. awww....
6.little cosy time at the Skin pub at tanjong katong. met a few of jiejie's friends and my girls accompanied me with a cup of mocktail and some nua-ing. we left early though cause sch's quite early tml,. hope rowena's having a blastin time out with her barracks mate at the pub! i believe she is anyway, with all the cake surprises and all .. :) anyway, darling actually planned a delivery of a bouquet of roses for me! so so so beautiful! and it was really a pleasant surprise! he estimated the time ill reach there and took much much trouble to get it done..cause he is in tekong now. darling, thanks a million!! super love it! finally, it ended with a crazy ride home in the taxi with my dear yongkit and crazy looney kel. (she became hyper when she felt tired)
7. Presents presents presents, wishes wishes wishes... !!!
A BIG BIG BIG THANK YOU to everyone. appreciate super alot the gifts you all took the time n effort to get or gave :) esp my, buddies, close friends, classmates, my entire family, andy's whole family, long-lost friends, and last but not least ...... andy chua! haha. you people really are my sunshine! all your gifts are appreciated (even if some of you said that u guys forgot to bring. seriously.. its ok! im more than happy already). All your wishes are locked in my heart. All your efforts painted my day with beautiful colours, more magnificient than rainbows. Im really touched by everything, and only now i realised how fortunate i am .. i love all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my day is almost perfect and i even found the last strength in me to remove my stubborn make up.. :) my face is clean now.. thanks thanks thanks to all of you. I know this i getting too general but ill go into details and put up pictures when im less tired alrite? well i just came home! lol.. alrite.. night! ima smillin .. non stop.i bet itll cramp my face tml.. the nights quiet.. the stars are asleep. i have more to accomplish in the coming days...

misses. appreciation. in awe.


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Anonymous said...

what nonsense!