March 31, 2008

too noisy, but i will still fall aslp

right now at 2:03 am, there are 3 unknown ppl seating downstairs my block ( at the park just next to my blk... and im at the 3rd storey so i can hear even what the ppl downstairs are talking abt..) argueing abt religion.. and they r getting hot. sigh. religion cannot be argued to a conclusion. it has to be tackled or brought abt skillfully because it is a sensitive-to-e-core issue.. i just hope nothing bad will happen to them. no fights or whatsoever..
(their occasional laugh over the topic brings a sigh of relief to me or even other nightowls in the neighbourhood..)

i wanted to blog but my 1/2 hr spent is not even gonna cover half of what i have got to blog. dang 2.30 am now and i gotta wake up at 7plus am later for morning shift. im so tired, slpy, but satisfied at my day. will update more like.. tonight or tml's :)

i really dont know what to do with hun. he makes me hate but so love him :) . my dearest boy. missing him soo much alrdy. he just booked in today... & it'll be another 6 nights to seeing him.. :/ how i cherish even our phonecalls, sms-es and weekends. darliiiiiiiiing .. sigh.. anticipating your voice again from tml's morning call ...

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