May 9, 2008

21 - 4 = 17 more days (huh..)

very very tasty congee mum bought for us. ingredients (like the egg, chicken, pig liver, you tiao) can be mixed and match. soo nice.

school? theres always time for girlfriends!

met sis, her bf, and del on my way back home from work today. all so lovable.
but and i had a bad make up day. grr. i hate having no time to do proper make up. hate it when i dont have the right brushes to use. nvm. enjoyed the Mcdonalds supper with my mcChicken meal upsized PLUS another large fries. FAT RIGHT.

p.s really miss my 1b13 pals. felt so nice everytime i meet them in sch. like today when i met del. haha. looking forward to our next time together..

its getting to me. i miss hun alot. sigh. i dont know what to do alrdy...

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