May 10, 2008


busy day with my girls. stepped into sch with a bad hair day, bad dressed day.
its ok.. sch was pretty fine with the crazy companions (the 4 girls in my class).
almy and i went home in the evening just to bathe and change. the weather is draining every bit of us away.. :)
met almy in TM after that to walk around and have dinner @ BK... (where we met abdullah. funny ex-classmate. i gave him fries and he returned me with an onion ring. wa. worth it man)
then met kelkel and graciie (her bf popped by too) at downtown for some catching up.. then went to kel's house to wait for mommy to come and fetch me home cus its alrdy midnght.. as usual she wld share her many cosmetic/skincare lil goodies with me. thanks alot girl!
tired but i enjoyed my day..
only thing i did not get to do was to visit the dance school. i will and I WILL SOON. haha!

I really miss hun alot alot. he calls back many times a day to talk to me and make sure im all fine and happy, spending a good 5-10mins on each call. nvrmind the bills but.. just hope this 3 weeks wld pass faster. he is really so sweet.. so sweet...

lovin this gf !!


quite pretty now!!

lova lova lova this. so lovely!!!

met kel after her training..

yea.. we both really wanna go on it someday...

OK.. show you something super funny..
you know know downtown is really nicely decorateed with lightings.. effects.. nice shops/cafes/bowling/cinema/ntuc ...etc.
they do have nice posters too.... like how i found some nice familar faces on it (friend..) :)

everything else aside.. this weird picture deserves 2000 question marks (?????????) .. it is self explanatory.

sweet cha-cha?
(they are trying to promote some healthy family/couple idea abt the revamped downtown east.. )

WHY ???????????????????????????????????

and this poster is life-sized k. dont understand. it is either a bra or a petruding padding. neither is sexy to me.

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