May 14, 2008


mon ->
met rowena after school ( i was late and got a scolding from her.. ) and we headed to city hall together. time spent was quite fun although super tiring. ate Burger King and i have decided to find mushroom swiss more delicious than rendang burger.. but i think row thinks otherwise. we actually bought these 2 burgers .. ate half of it.. then exchanged. haha. anyway the key highlight of the day ..

WE ARE BACK DANCING! hehe. signed up for a reggae dance course after much procrastination and thought ( i wanted street jazz that much ). alrite. row and i are very much looking forward to it..

tue ->
went out with almy and jieting (almy's gd gf) to bugis. oh well, almy spent alot but i bet she was happy with all her good buys. enjoyed my day with the girls..
after shopping, almy's mum and her godbro took us to dinner. they were SO nice. very very friendly and nice family she has! we were treated to Ma Maison, a pretty cottage-themed restaurant in bugis. the food was quite good but also quite costly.. generous mum!
after that, her godbro offered to send me and jie ting home. sooooo paiseh man!! first time see him still must trouble him to send us home..

wed ->
came to sch early thinking of attending a lecture.
reached sch. forgot to bring timetable. dont know which lec hall. went to library to slack. how productive can i get. my gosh.
anyway, almy's comin to meet me soon.

talking abt dancing.. the library im in now is gonna have a dance performance soon. haha. first time i actually enjoy my time in e tp library
air con + computers, infront of me + dance to watch, behind my seat
& im feeling quite happy cus im meeting my girls after sch to go for dinner together!!
wanqi, marie, charms, del, li li etc 2000 lightyears havent met up..

BLACK HAIR. got tired of light brown/ blondie. i mite get tired of black too, and u'll see me in light brown again. ha. im dyeing my hair so often my friends are worried for me for my scalp and hair.

i miss andy. only 9 days has passed.. 21 - 9 = 12 more days to go..

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