May 15, 2008

a happy entry

yester - went out with my super whacky girls!

event co-starring:
ms sunshine wan qi, ms loud li jie,ms cool charmaine,ms pretty delanie,ms rocker chic marie,ms TPSU dorothy,ms everything else roxanne. ( we were missing june!!)

we had super alot of fun.. (awaiting more photos from qiqi's cam)

marie and charms complaining to be so hungry..
marie+qiqi+charms singing out loud in the mrt..
camwhoring at T3..
making so much noise at T2 swensens.. ( paiseh but its all worth it!)
charms screaming at her top of her voice for chillings to take the public bus..
the girls' sweet companionship..
catching up..
my gosh i loved it.
love u girls!!
fun with u guys are so diff from those ahbengs and lians making noise in the mrt. i enjoyed every moment of it!!! :)
skipped lec, went for fashion tutorial (fashion tutorial took me 2-3 hours to finish.draining ..) - where i met eric and jw and as usual they are such asses. then went out with my gf to whitesands.. :) how can my night end without a good catch up? :)
hun's every phonecall drenched me like a berry flavoured bubble bath. Mmmmmm. lovin it so much...

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