May 17, 2008

CCN day !!

community caring network (if im not wrong..) where students come together selling stuffs to earn profit and it goes 100% to the charity. our class came up with..


not too bad. i had to sell this last ccn too btw. haha.

after slogging our guts out like.. for real, we earned a profit of ... 50 bucks? haha. so little la. ppl earn like in hundreds and we... k la. its the sincerity that counts. :p (good time to make use of this words)

had our fun.. apparently only 1/4 of our class were selling. others charbo.. chey.

our signboard that keeps falling off the wall. lol.
credits to 3 self-sacrificing girls in e class.. :)
pretty aint it

top left to bottom right:
katherine, samantha,
huiling, amanda, marcus,
samantha again. haha.

the fillings were made by marcus alone! potential chef.. hardworking guy. haha.

- oh and thanks wanqi for ur mum's lift to the mrt! muaahhh.

after that i headed to work.. had the companion of jasmine. a very sweet girl..
m.a.c lovers : naughty nauticals edition is launched! lovely sailor inspired range of colours.

:) M.A.C

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